Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Almighty Shepherd

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." (Psalm 23:1)
This is a fountain of Living Water, an unfailing star in the night of sorrow and suffering.  Look at it as the language of---

1.    Real Confession.  The Lord is my Shepherd, because I have taken my place at His feet as a sheep---

·         Acknowledging my ignorance--- Mind blinded.

·         Acknowledging my waywardness--- Gone astray.

·         Acknowledging my helplessness---Undone.

·         Acknowledging my dependence--- I will trust.

2.    Peaceful Assurance.  The Lord is my Shepherd. He is mine---

·         Because He has purchased me with His blood.

·         Because He has led me by His Spirit.

·         Because He has fed me by His Word.

·         Because He has kept me by His power.

3.    Unwavering Confidence.   I shall not want.---  Because whatever He thinks, will  be for my highest good and for His glory---

·         Because His riches are unsearchable.

·         Because His power is almighty.

·         Because His faithfulness is unfailing.

·         Because His love is unchanging.

Taken from ”Handfuls On Purpose” by James Smith.  First published in 1947 – Re-printed in July 1984 by William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company


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