Saturday, September 8, 2012


I am the True Vine—
ALL earthly things are the shadows of heavenly realities—the expression, in created, visible forms, of the invisible glory of God. The Life and the Truth are in Heaven; on earth we have figures and shadows of the heavenly truths. When Jesus says: "I am the true Vine," He tells us that all the vines of earth are pictures and emblems of Himself. He is the divine reality, of which they are the created expression. They all point to Him, and preach Him, and reveal Him. If you would know Jesus, study the vine.

In the same way that the vine is the created expression of the divine reality of Christ Jesus, were we not also meant to be a created expression of Christ Jesus?   Jesus says that we are to be sanctified by His truth.  His Word is truth John 17:17).  We are to get our spiritual nourishment from Him and cling to Him always. As we allow the Holy Spirit to take the Word of God and help us to progressively put off old sinful attitudes and replace them with Christlike attitudes... as the New Testament teaches, we will grow spiritually and bear more and more fruit for His glory. We cannot do this in our own strength.  Just as the branch must rely on the vine to be nourished and produce fruit, we must rely on Christ Jesus for our spiritual nourishment and His Holy Spirit to enable us to bear much fruit for the Father's glory.  The five fingers of grace that enable us to grow spiritually and bring us into a closer, and deeper relationship with the Father are: The Father who chose us, the Son who purchased us with His blood, the Holy Spirit who is our Helper, the Word of God, and communion in prayer. Through these graces our love will deepen for our God and for others. As a result, we will reflect the character and love of Christ to others in our life. Although it won't be perfect in this life, once we are glorified it will be.

How many eyes have gazed on and admired a great vine with its beautiful fruit. Come and gaze on the heavenly Vine till your eye turns from all else to admire Him. How many, in a sunny climate sit and rest under the shadow of a vine. Come and be still under the shadow of the true Vine, and rest under it from the heat of the day. What countless numbers rejoice in the fruit of the vine! Come, and take, and eat of the heavenly fruit of the true Vine, and let your soul say: "I sat under His shadow with great delight, and His fruit was sweet to my taste."

I am the true Vine. This is a heavenly mystery. The earthly vine can teach you much about this Vine of Heaven. Many interesting and beautiful points of comparison suggest themselves, and help us to get conceptions of what Christ meant. But such thoughts do not teach us to know what the heavenly Vine really is, in its cooling shade, and its life-giving fruit. The experience of this is part of the hidden mystery, which none but Jesus Himself, by His Holy Spirit, can unfold and impart.

I am the true Vine. The vine is the living Lord, who Himself speaks, and gives, and works all that He has for us. If you would know the meaning and power of that word, do not think to find it by thought or study; these may help to show you what you must get from Him to awaken desire and hope and prayer, but they cannot show you the Vine. Jesus alone can reveal Himself. He gives His Holy Spirit to open the eyes to gaze upon Himself, to open the heart to receive Himself. He must Himself speak the word to you and me.

I am the true Vine. And what am I to do, if I want the mystery, in all its heavenly beauty and blessing, opened up to me? With what you already know of the parable, bow down and be still, worship and wait, until the divine Word enters your heart, and you feel His holy presence with you, and in you. The overshadowing of His holy love will give you the perfect calm and rest of knowing that the Vine will do all.

I am the true Vine. He who speaks is God, in His infinite power able to enter into us. He is man, one with us. He is the crucified One, who won a perfect righteousness and a divine life for us through His death. He is the glorified One, who from the throne gives His Spirit to make His presence real and true. He speaks—oh, listen, not to His words only, but to Himself, as He whispers secretly day by day: "I am the true Vine! All that the Vine can ever be to its branch, "I will be to you."   (Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 52:13--53:12)

What is the Vine to the branch? 

The Vine is deeply rooted and draws up moisture and nutrients to supply the needs of the branch.  Without the nutrients and moisture coming from the Vine, the branches would soon wither and dry up. Because the Vine supplies the branches with all that they need, the branches are able to bear fruit.

In the same way, we as the branches must rely on our life-giving nutrients from God's Word and the Holy Spirit.  We must stay connected to the Vine (Jesus) in order to be spiritually healthy and able to produce fruit.  If we disconnect from the Vine and try to live in our own strength, we will eventually dry up and our spiritual life will be ineffective to do any good.  Jesus said, without Me, you can do nothing (John 15:5).

Holy Lord Jesus, the heavenly Vine of God's own planting, I beseech Thee, reveal Thyself to my soul. Let the Holy Spirit, not only in thought, but in experience, give me to know all that Thou, the Son of God, art to me as the true Vine.

~Andrew Murray~

(Annie's comments on page are highlighted in yellow).

How should this work out in my life? 

What do I  need to do?


Please feel free to share thoughts on this.  I would love to hear from others.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Annie,

    I've been eagerly awaiting the newest aspect of your weekly blog. I especially liked:"Just as the branch must rely on the vine to be nourished and produce fruit, we must rely on Christ Jesus for our spiritual nourishment and His Holy Spirit to enable us to bear much fruit for the Father's glory..."

    Sometimes, I venture out doing what I think Jesus wants me to do or say, only to find out that I need to be more prayerful prior to doing so, in order to be doing His will and not what I think He wants. Debbie


Freedom of Choice

The first humans were created in the image of God to be like Him in character and love with free will... which meant freedom to choose. ...